Tuesday, December 27, 2016

About Me...

This is my first blog post on "The Spiral Chronicles." I am going to give you a little bit of background information on who I am, and who my characters are.
I have two main wizards, and I most definitely could not decide one over the other. I made them both at relatively the same time, and ever since then, I have leveled them in the same world at the same time. To be honest, I don't even know which one I made first.
My two main characters are named Austin DreamCatcher (level 110 Life) and Blaze StormFinder (level 111 Storm.) Continuing on, I am going to make a top 10 facts list about my wizards!

1.) I currently have 7 wizards... Level 111 Storm, Level 110 Life, Level 100 Death, Level 75 Balance, Level 50 Ice, Level 36 Fire, and a Level 12 Myth

Level 111 Storm

Level 110 Life
Level 100 Death

Level 75 Balance

Level 50 Ice

Level 36 Fire

Level 12 Myth

2.) I have three PVP warlords (My Ice, Fire, and Myth,) and I have one character with 0 rank.

3.) I love to host giveaways on my twitter (follow me @BlazeStormFindr) - I currently have a $10 Wizard101/Pirate101 gift card giveaway going on!

4.) I am really bad at glitching, but I find it fun to do while decorating houses. (I also love decorating houses in wiz in general.)

A room in my recently decorated Christmas themed house

Another room in my Christmas themed house

My first ever housing glitch

5.) If I had to delete one character, I would delete my Balance because I let my Storm do all the work while leveling him, and I have no clue how to work it. (I cannot even beat the Avalon minions without dying on my Balance. But, I would definitely make a new one!) 

6.) My favorite dungeon in Wizard101 is the level 30 Mount Olympus dungeon. 

7.) My least favorite dungeon in Wizard101 is the level 70 Atlantea dungeon.

8.) I plan on hosting my first ever party around Valentines Day (there will be giveaways at the party, social media, and on this blog!)
Let your friends know!

Spread the word!

Even the Gobblers are coming!

9.) I have played Pirate101 on 3 different characters, but every time I got to level 6 I quit.

10.) My favorite part about Wizard101 is the community. I love the community involved in this game, and I would love to give back to them!

**These are 10 facts about my characters and opinions on the game! I hope you continue to read and follow my blog as I figure out how to work it! (If you read this far, log onto twitter and give me a rating on my pinned tweet about how you liked this first blog entry! Each rating will give you an addition entry into my $10 gift card giveaway! You must be following my twitter to receive the additional entry.)

Have a magical day,
-Blaze StormFinder 

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